Taspinar is a small hamlet in the carpet weaving areas of the Nigde. Nigde is one of the main roads that cross the Taurus Mountains. Taspinar produces excellent carpet of a thick pile, knotted in high quality wool. They have a prodominantly blue and red field enlivened by delicate motifs in lighter shades. The yarn is dyed with natural vegitable dyes by the Caucasian methods. Taspinar carpets are amoung the most beatifull of all Anatolian carpets. In the old Taspinar's carpets the Persian influence can be seen which are plant figures and geometric designs used simultanously. However, the rich colours and beautifully proportioned somewhat formal design prevent this unusual mixture from thispleasing the eye. Well cared for, old Taspinars have a vonderfull silk like quality. As the lanolin in the wool rises to the surface it gives the pile a soft rich velvety sheen. New taspinars are made in the same rich colours as old ones, but the designs are becoming more varied. Caucasian and nimadic pattern have become more regular in recent years. The knot density of Taspinar carpets are 140,000 per square meter.
 Taspinar Kelle Carpet Click on to image to view details