Kalkan, Patara and Xanthos
A little distance to the west is Kalkan, a lovely small hilltop town that overlooks a tiny bay. Its quaint, traditional, white-washed houses, shuttered windows and balconies garlanded with brilliant flowers that cascade to the streets below, make it the ultimate in a peaceful holiday town. Narrow winding streets lined with souvenir shops lead down to the charming marina. Every morning boats busily take tourists to one of the nearby beaches or small bays. As the sun sets it is Kalkan style to meet on the roof terraces for a drink before dinner and enjoy the comings and goings of the yachts, the business of the marina and the panoramic view.
A principal harbor of ancient Lycia, Patara is reached by following a winding mountain road before descending to the site. Here, according to mythology, Apollo was born. More concrete history reveals that this town was the birthplace of St. Nicholas. The ruins are, of course, numerous and interesting. But Patara is also a place for beach lovers. Its 22 km of pure white sand stretches as far as the eye can see, making it a natural choice for all types of beach sports. The remoteness of this undiscovered corner makes it feel like your own private getaway.

Endless Patara Beach

Roman Gate, Patara
The ancient Lycian capital of Xanthos, today in the Turkish village Kinik,lies 18 km north of Patara. The theater, Tomb of the Harpies, Nereid Monument, agora, and Inscribed Pillar, among a mixture of ruins from Lycian, Roman and Byzantine times, create the special atmosphere of this site. At the holy Lycian center of Letoon, six km farther, three temples dedicated to Leto, Apollo and Artemis, familiar gods of mythology, await the exploring tourist.

Xanthos Amphitheatre
This site prepared by Tayfun Kalyoncu on 28.02.1997 and last updated on 01.05.1999. For any comments and suggestion please send an e-mail using the form at page mailform.html