The pages grouped in 3 categories above. The first portion is about the Lydia and Lydians, second informates you about some major Lydian centers that most of the hoard is founded during excavations, and finaly the catalogue that includes some of the Lydian Hoard, espacially not included in the other pages or their details
Obviously, whatever this site trying to concludes a highly informative knowledge to you, indeed it includes only a small part of the hoard and information. The major parts of the hoard are shown in the Usak Museum in Usak, and of course, the actual excavation areas that mensioned above. The remainings are in Anatolian Civilizations Museum in Ankara, Burdur Museum in Burdur, Istanbul Archeological Museums in Istanbul.
By the way, if anyone that interested in more spesific and more detailed information about Lydia and Lydian. Please e-mail me to make me offer to you more spesific resources about the concepts that you interested in.
So enjoy while learning now...